Symptoms of
Black Mold Exposure

If you suspect that you have symptoms of black mold exposure, then it is important to talk with a doctor as soon as possible in order to prevent serious health problems. The dangers of black mold should not be taken lightly, because they can cause both short-term and long-term health conditions. Many people don't realize how severe these health conditions can be, so this article is designed to help you understand the serious nature of mold exposure.

If you are being exposed to black mold, it is best to talk to a doctor and a mold removal specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will be able to help you treat symptoms that are already present, and the mold removal specialist can clean up the mold in order to prevent additional symptoms from occurring.

Identifying the Symptoms of Black Mold

Initially, the symptoms start out small and may include things such as a runny nose, sinus infection, fatigue, joint pain, coughing or other symptoms that seem to be seasonal allergies or a head cold. Because the symptoms are minor in the beginning, it usually doesn't raise any red flags. Most people use over-the-counter medications during this time and don't realize that their symptoms are being caused by black mold.

If the mold exposure is stopped, then the person's immune system can usually fight off the effects of mold exposure. The real problems arise when continued exposure occurs, because it weakens the immune system and causes the person to get sicker and sicker. Often, people don't realize mold is causing their health problems, so they don’t even look for mold in their home or work environment.

The dangers of black mold increase the longer a person is exposed to the mold. Continued exposure can cause serious harm to the immune system, and result in health conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, worsening of asthma symptoms, fertility problems, pneumonia, bleeding in the lungs, lupus, cancer, and a number of other chronic health conditions.

Stopping the Symptoms of Black Mold

There are two things that need to be done in order to stop the symptoms that are occurring:

First you should consult with your doctor and let them know that you have been exposed to black mold. Most doctors are familiar with the dangers of black mold, and can prescribe treatment options for each of the symptoms that are occurring.

The second step is to get rid of the black mold problem. Going to the doctor will not do any good if you don't eliminate the mold. Continued exposure will cause your symptoms to get progressively worse.

Cleaning Up Black Mold

The process of cleaning up black mold is much more complex than most people think. If you try to clean it up yourself, your symptoms of black mold exposure may worsen. Additionally, if you are not careful the cleanup process may cause black mold spores to become airborne and cross contaminate other parts of your home.

Instead of putting your health at risk, we recommend that you meet with a mold removal specialist. Most mold removal specialists will give a free home inspection and evaluation, so even if you are thinking of doing the cleanup yourself you can still get some free advice. They will inspect your home, help you find hidden mold, discuss the best techniques for removing the mold in your particular case, recommend prevention strategies to make sure the mold does not return, and give you a price quote. For a list of mold removal specialists offering free home inspections in your area, just follow the link

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